Video Editor

Video Editor

  • Full Time
  • New Orleans
  • September 7, 2024



• Use editing tools to create content for Newscast and Digital platforms.
• Use creative production techniques such as graphics and new forms of media (viewer pictures, webcam interviews, etc.) to enhance stories.
• Work closely with news producers, reporters, photojournalists and the digital team.
• Filing a variety of video elements including voice overs, packages, and basic graphics
• Capture feeds, and receive story content from field crews while constantly monitoring quality control


• Use editing tools to create content for Newscast and Digital platforms.
• Use creative production techniques such as graphics and new forms of media (viewer pictures, webcam interviews, etc.) to enhance stories. • Work closely with news producers, reporters, photojournalists and the digital team. • Filing a variety of video elements including voice overs, packages, and basic graphics • Capture feeds, and receive story content from field crews while constantly monitoring quality control


The ideal candidate is proficient at creating captivating and shareable content for television, social media, and mobile platforms. You must be a self-starter who is technologically savvy and can work under tight deadlines. We are looking for individuals who possess a keen artistic eye, a deep understanding of editing and photography techniques, in addition to a passion for storytelling.


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